Monday, October 19, 2020

Duterte: An Ideal President

    Who is a president? A president is known to be the head of nation state. President is the most important position in every country. He or she is responsible for the entire nation. But who is an ideal president? What are the characteristics he or she have or should have?


    Rodrigo Duterte, what a nice name of a president would have. He is the 16th elected president in our country. In the past 3 years, what can you say about his leadership style? How about now? Does something changed about it? At first, when he is still campaigning for the position of president, I don’t hate him, I was just used to not like him because maybe he is just a mayor in Davao, and he will run to that position. That what I thought before. How about you what do you feel towards him?


    But as days, months, years passed after he was elected, I am starting to like his implementations and policies. I started to realize that he is really a great president. Despite all the problems our country is facing, he will always find a solution for it.

    Maybe sometimes I don’t like the words he is saying towards people especially those bad words coming out from his mouth. But I thought that maybe he is doing that to discipline us, under his control, because it is the best for us.


     Now I know it is really hard to be the president. I believe its not just the president who should make a way but also we should just by simply follow his or her policies. Duterte is indeed such a true and good leader not only as a leader but also a good father to us. So I salute him and I am happy that he is our president now.


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Words About Me


      Who am I? It is a question I should always ask myself everyday to help me evaluate my life and know what it means to me. You, how would you describe yourself? What are the words that defines yourself?


     For me, if I would describe myself in two words it would be dedicated and compassionate. Why did I choose these two words? A dedicated person means he or she is devoted to a particular task or purpose and that’s me, I am a dedicated person. I have a feeling of loyalty to someone or something. Being dedicated is part of my life. 


     Other word defines me is compassionate. I am a compassionate person because I feel deeply and pity for others especially when they experience sadness. I show concern for them as they conquer the problems they are facing everyday in their life.


      For me, it is important to know who you are and the words or qualities that defines your whole being. To know who you are means you can do everything you think possible. To know how you describe yourself means you know what are you capable of, what are your strengths and weaknesses.  Defining yourself means you know how your word is to you, you know how to consider the bad things and good things happen in your life.


4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly tha...