Tuesday, June 29, 2021

4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End

I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly that even I cant imagine. It is really hard to believe that this blog will be the last one. As my tenth grade year concludes, I find myself reflecting on how far I've come and how well I've done throughout this school year. This is the last quarter of my Junior High School journey. Because of that, I made it a point that I would maximize all the time I have left for this. I studied very hard for every subject, and take into my heart all the lessons I have learned this last quarter.

Studying academic subjects helps us solving queries about everything, taking its advantages and making something new out of it. As a certain school grading quarter ends, I can say lessons in every subject becomes more complex as the body of knowledge accrues over time. Sometimes my mind cant even directly cope and understand the lessons, so no wonder from time to time I cant remember all those inspiring thoughts and all needed information for every required tasks in the modules. 

To be honest in all subjects, Information Communication Technology (ICT) has brought me something different. All subjects has caused me a lot of learnings but I dont know why, it just that this school year, ICT hits different for me. From learning how to create and write our own blogs, discovering a new method of creating documents using HTML tags, conducting community-based research and lessons and tutorials in making and designing web pages really were certainly challenging to do. Although it consumes a lot time and little complexity in doing this things, without a doubt it is still worthwhile to do so.

This school year is a wonderful new experience for me. It is a roller coaster type of learning because studying in a new environment using modular and online learning is a bit tough to handle but still I enjoyed this challenging high school experience. These long months in studying and learning new lessons, I laugh, I smile, and even cry because of those hard challenges and obstacles I always encounter. But all of these are worth it to be part of my everyday chapter. The fourth year road had been a very tough road for me, yet I still have gotten to this point. I am so grateful not only to myself but also to my friends who stayed by my side. Even though we were miles away, they always lend their hands to help me improve my studies. If I need a friendly ear to listen to my problems and help me through it, they didnt hesitate so I am very thankful to have them.

Moving on, to succeed, school work has to come first. I cant promise that but I will try my best. This means I will stay focus on my lesson not procrastinating at all. I realized this quarter that since my junior high school life will end soon, I just hope that I can apply all what I had learn and be able to develop my own learning ways to survive and succeed in the future especially now that we are about to conquer another path with senior high school. This year's type of learning, I may caught up in the whirlwind of anxiety and nervousness but in return I am so happy that I tried my best to adapt and accomplish this school year. I will not push myself beyond my limitations but I have to find a way to keep pushing myself until I attain my goal. I can only say one thing now, I am ready. I already had the courage now to face all the things I may conquer in the future.

To our teachers, your patience is second to none! I will never forget all your determination and efforts in helping us through this year of school. Thank you. To my classmates and friends, thank you for a good year. The school year went by so fast, I wish we could go back in time. I may not know how you all doing right now but I hope all of you are okay and doing fine as well. I just want to wish you all the good luck as we embark on a new journey that is waiting for us.

Multimedia Reference:

Note: The first and last image is made by the blogger

2nd Image: "The Stair of Success"


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4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly tha...