Tuesday, June 29, 2021

4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End

I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly that even I cant imagine. It is really hard to believe that this blog will be the last one. As my tenth grade year concludes, I find myself reflecting on how far I've come and how well I've done throughout this school year. This is the last quarter of my Junior High School journey. Because of that, I made it a point that I would maximize all the time I have left for this. I studied very hard for every subject, and take into my heart all the lessons I have learned this last quarter.

Studying academic subjects helps us solving queries about everything, taking its advantages and making something new out of it. As a certain school grading quarter ends, I can say lessons in every subject becomes more complex as the body of knowledge accrues over time. Sometimes my mind cant even directly cope and understand the lessons, so no wonder from time to time I cant remember all those inspiring thoughts and all needed information for every required tasks in the modules. 

To be honest in all subjects, Information Communication Technology (ICT) has brought me something different. All subjects has caused me a lot of learnings but I dont know why, it just that this school year, ICT hits different for me. From learning how to create and write our own blogs, discovering a new method of creating documents using HTML tags, conducting community-based research and lessons and tutorials in making and designing web pages really were certainly challenging to do. Although it consumes a lot time and little complexity in doing this things, without a doubt it is still worthwhile to do so.

This school year is a wonderful new experience for me. It is a roller coaster type of learning because studying in a new environment using modular and online learning is a bit tough to handle but still I enjoyed this challenging high school experience. These long months in studying and learning new lessons, I laugh, I smile, and even cry because of those hard challenges and obstacles I always encounter. But all of these are worth it to be part of my everyday chapter. The fourth year road had been a very tough road for me, yet I still have gotten to this point. I am so grateful not only to myself but also to my friends who stayed by my side. Even though we were miles away, they always lend their hands to help me improve my studies. If I need a friendly ear to listen to my problems and help me through it, they didnt hesitate so I am very thankful to have them.

Moving on, to succeed, school work has to come first. I cant promise that but I will try my best. This means I will stay focus on my lesson not procrastinating at all. I realized this quarter that since my junior high school life will end soon, I just hope that I can apply all what I had learn and be able to develop my own learning ways to survive and succeed in the future especially now that we are about to conquer another path with senior high school. This year's type of learning, I may caught up in the whirlwind of anxiety and nervousness but in return I am so happy that I tried my best to adapt and accomplish this school year. I will not push myself beyond my limitations but I have to find a way to keep pushing myself until I attain my goal. I can only say one thing now, I am ready. I already had the courage now to face all the things I may conquer in the future.

To our teachers, your patience is second to none! I will never forget all your determination and efforts in helping us through this year of school. Thank you. To my classmates and friends, thank you for a good year. The school year went by so fast, I wish we could go back in time. I may not know how you all doing right now but I hope all of you are okay and doing fine as well. I just want to wish you all the good luck as we embark on a new journey that is waiting for us.

Multimedia Reference:

Note: The first and last image is made by the blogger

2nd Image: "The Stair of Success"


Monday, June 28, 2021

World Environment Day 2021

 Generate Awareness to Save Our Nature, Our Most Precious Asset

World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. This is United Nations’ main methodology for raising awareness and action for the protection of our environment. It was first held in 1974, under the slogan “Only One Earth” and it became a flagship campaign for raising awareness on emerging issues from the environment to marine pollution, human overpopulation, and global warming, to sustainable consumption and wildlife crime. For nearly five decades, World Environment Day developed as a platform to raise awareness on the problems facing our environment such as air pollution, plastic pollution, illegal wildlife trade, sustainable consumption, sea-level increase, and food security, supporting action, and leading changes for the environment. Every year it changes its theme, some of which are Beat the Air Pollution- 2019 and Beat the Plastic Pollution -2018. Now, the theme for World Environment Day 2021 is “Reimagine. Recreate. Restore” and its focal point is ecosystem restoration which emphasizes bringing back plants and animals from the brink of extinction, from the peaks of mountains to the depths of the sea. Ecosystem restoration means preventing, halting, and reversing this damage – to go from exploiting nature to healing it. Ecosystem restoration means assisting in the recovery of ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed, as well as conserving the ecosystems that are still intact. 

Currently, millions of plants and animals are in danger and may disappear to the next generation. Most of these are due to human activities. Humans are also gradually becoming aggressive and abusive to the place where they live in. Activities such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, improper waste disposal and overconsumption of natural resources causes the destruction of nature and even the future of our next generation. Due to the modernization of our life today, it has caused great and rapid destruction to our beloved nature. Although our lives have become more comfortable than before, we can’t accept the fact that our environment is facing negative consequences. We as people living only here on Earth will never allow it to be slowly destroying. We must now fundamentally rethink our relationship with the living world, with natural ecosystems and their biodiversity and work towards its restoration. Now this World Environment Day 2021 calls for each one of us to take action, rethink our environmental impact and make smart changes to our lifestyle if we want to continue calling Earth our home. 

This year, we cannot take to the beaches, forests and streets. We must stay at home, keep our distance and mark World Environment Day virtually. This is because we all stand in solidarity with those suffering from the global pandemic. We need to protect the sick, the poor and the vulnerable from the worst ravages of this disease. Even though we are in the midst of pandemic, we can pay tribute to this year’s World Environment Day for making this event happen, and to the many thousands of advocates honoring this day with their own virtual events during these difficult times. On World Environment Day, you can participate in thousands of such activities. Ordinary individual can still take part in this special day by pledging to live an environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

Every action counts on World Environment Day, no matter how small. It’s about participating and taking the initiative to making the world greener. The best way to start with ecosystem restoration is to look inside yourself. Change your behavior and start making environmentally friendly choices. Buy sustainable products that support the environment instead of harm it. Using alternate energy sources, planting trees in your backyard, using recycled materials to make new products and also the most important thing to do is to avoid the overconsumption of natural resources and be responsible in using them are just simple things yet they are very impactful in a way of protecting and restoring our environment.

We are responsible that our nature is threatened with extinction. Therefore every little action we take to protect and preserve our environment is of the utmost importance and this is exactly what you have achieved today. We can’t turn back the clock, but we can definitely change the world for the better. Our actions throughout the world with a more prudent care for the environment can save our world from drowning and make it as a better place to live in. Think green, plant more, and use eco-friendly materials. Be a good stewards of the world because I believe that the place where we live in is not just only a mere environment, but it is a very beautiful paradise that will never be forgotten.


Multimedia Reference:

World Environment Day 2021


Reimagine, Recreate and Restore


Tree Planting


Eco- Friendly Logo


Recycling Logo


Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Pinnacle of Patriotism

Symbol of Triumph of a Truly Independent Filipino Nation

Independence Day has come again.  For some, it is a day marked by joyous celebrations and expressions of gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy. For others, it is marked by rowdy gatherings of drunkenness, seemingly absent of any real patriotism.  In any case, it surely ought to be marked by reflection. The declaration of independence is one of the most important milestones in Philippine history because it marks the nation’s independence from the Spanish rule on June 12, 1898. This day of freedom is unique, important and meaningful in the history of our beloved country, Philippines. To the Filipino people, this is a great day that values ​​the memories and achievements of our heroes who have invested their lives, talents, sweat, blood and sacrifice for the sake of freedom and all the events that broke the shackles of slavery among the Filipinos are part of our history of celebrating Independence Day. 

Philippine Independence Day has been celebrated every June 12 since 1962. Through the Treaty of Paris, the Spaniards ceded its control of the islands to the Americans, causing the Philippine-American War and, consequently, United States’ rule of the country. It was only on July 4, 1946, when independence was totally granted to the Philippines. Since then, Independence Day was celebrated on July 4. Then in 1962, the country’s ninth president, Diosdado Macapagal, proclaimed June 12 a public holiday “in commemoration of our people’s declaration of their inherent and inalienable right to freedom and independence.” The change was confirmed through Republic Act No. 4166 in 1964. In turn, July 4 was declared as Philippine Republic Day or American-Filipino Friendship Day, when a treaty was made declaring the freedom of the Philippines from the United States.

As we celebrate Independence Day, it is inevitable that some of our compatriots have different meanings and perspectives. Some say that the country is not yet completely free because the nationalism or patriotism of many leaders of our country is still false and pale. As a result, the Filipino people will not be able to rise from poverty. Suffering hardship because of measures adopted by acrobats and clowns in Congress. Punishment, torture and burden on the people. Some even ask when Filipinos will be free from those people who know nothing but to cheat and squander, robbers and plunderers of the people's funds and the corruption that is causing the people's sufferings. But regardless of the vision and meaning of Independence Day of our Chosen Land, it is a good opportunity for all Filipinos to celebrate this important day. 

The nation’s rough yet triumphant journey to freedom is one of those things Filipinos should never forget. This commemoration is an admonition for Filipinos to cultivate a thirst for knowing the rich history of the country, including its struggle for independence. The celebration and commemoration of Independence Day in the Philippines at this time of the pandemic has been quite out of the ordinary without much fanfare. There were no parades nationwide, with less physical participation on the part of citizens and even from the government. There were not many celebratory activities since many areas of the country are still under lockdown. Nevertheless, despite a sense of frustration and exasperation, Filipinos still pay tribute to the bravery and sacrifices made to build this nation, it is important that we remember the full cost of liberty, and not forget that independence is more readily available when people remain focused on the fullest pursuit of their own happiness rather than condemning the way others pursue theirs.

Indeed over time, we prove that our independence is the key to our cohesion, in any challenge or disaster. We are now facing a global crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic but this is not an obstacle or a reason to not show the spirit of a free people-the continued giving of hope with its medical and essential front liners akin to fierce and brave modern-day warriors battling against the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. These modern-day heroes and heroines continue to battle it out while remaining steadfast despite the enormous risk to their lives in ensuring the safety of all Filipinos. For me this day it’s more than just independence, it’s more than just freedom. It’s about acknowledging our culture, our heritage, and remember who we are as Filipinos.

Multimedia Reference:

Happy Independence Day


Philippine Flag




Salute To Our Modern Heroes


Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

Mother: An Epitome of Selfless Love and Desired Sincerity

Mother, Mamma, Mommy or just plain Mom are just some names for the woman in our lives that will help raise us and love us unconditionally forever and always. A mommy that will always hold you near and dear while wiping away your tears. A Mamma that will kiss your owes and make you smile. A mother that will try and take all your pain and sorrow away and make them hers. Everyone accedes that a mother will always be the first and special woman in everyone’s life, right. To honor the contribution of mothers, acknowledge the efforts of maternal bonds and the role of mothers in our home and in our society, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year. This is very essential to make mom feel blessed and proud. Mother’s Day is a day where we give our mothers, the person who is willing to sacrifice anything for us, and the love that we are too bashful to show.

My mother is a perfect example of a selfless, devoted, and loving human being. She is the strongest and would undertake any amount of penance to protect my family and me. Sixteen years of my life is what I owe to my mother. She is the greatest influence in my life not only as a mom but also as a true friend. In every step of my journey, she is always there by my side and she is behind supporting me all the way she can. She has taught me to always try my best, and to not give up when things get hard until I succeed. When it comes in making decisions, she doesn't always agree with me because she makes sure that all my decisions in life go on the right path and will makes me happy. She tells me too at all times to be honest because in the end, lies always hurt more. That’s why I can say she is really the only one who can understand my feelings and the only one who can miraculously takes away all the pains from me and my family and instead showers it with abundant love and care. My mom is really the brightest star in the galaxy and the only proper solution to all my problems.

It is no wonder that no other being on Earth can love us as unconditionally as our mothers do. Our mothers try to shield us from all harm and help us in however way they can. And for our incredible mothers, we celebrate a day every year in their honor. On this day, we express our emotions of gratitude and love for them. This is the perfect time to show to them how important they are to us, of how much we love them more than the love they give to us because we are too shy to showcase it on a regular day. This day is the perfect opportunity to give them flowers that you badly wanted to give, or chocolates to match their sweet smiles that they always show to you. If you want to go beyond simple, give lovely letters or warm-hearted Mother’s Day card to them, written are the words to express your gratitude and love for them or the overall message you want to tell them but you can verbally tell to them. But still whatever you choose to do to celebrate Mother’s day, take heart that your mom will find joy in feeling appreciated and loved.

A mother is not just someone who gives birth to you. She is someone who is there for you day after day. She is a great teacher, a lovely friend, a strict parent who just wants the best for us. A mother can be anyone as long as it is in their nature to love you, take care of you and will do anything to give you the best life. That’s why losing a mother is one of the deepest sorrows a heart can know but her goodness, her caring, and her wisdom live on-like a legacy of love that will always be with you. For that reason, I am so lucky to still have my mom by my side. Even though sometimes we have these little fights and misunderstandings, my love for her will never change. Every bigger step that I have taken in my life is all because of my mother. When I was afraid of the dark, she would become my light and guide me through. Above all, she never leaves my side even at my hardest times. To my mother, I am happy and blessed to have you in my life. You are truly irreplaceable. You are the best. I love you. To all mother’s out there, Happy Mother’s Day and wishing you all the love and happiness you richly deserve.”


Multimedia Reference:




Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Radiant Spirit of Binatbatan Festival

Binatbatan Festival Boasts Joyful Colors That Promotes Fabric Culture

Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, a city that’s been preserved in time. It has the street plan of traditional Hispanic checkerboard style. It is unique for having preserved much of its Hispanic colonial character, particularly its grid street pattern and historic urban lay out. Its significance also lies on how the different architectural influences are blended to create a homogenous townscape. The city’s impressive architecture matches its people. Local artists thrive in keeping the city vibrant through Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of the Arts that is being celebrated from the last week of April to the first week. The said festival boasts joyful colors that envelopes, promotes and preserves the livelihood or industry of the local fabric. The festival’s name was taken from the Ilocano term batbatin which means separating the cotton balls from the seeds from the local fruit kapas sanglay. Binatbatan Festival traces its roots from the abel weaving industry of Vigan which has been in existence even before the Spaniards came to colonize the Philippines.

Culminating this week long celebration, the main highlight is the featuring Binatbatan street dancing, showdown competition wherein participants use "abel" (woven cloth) costumes and sway in their original panagbatbat dances. The street dancing started in front of the Vigan Cathedral, and ended along Crisologo Street, where old houses were festooned with abel iloco decor for the house decorating contest. Street dancers were performing gracefully with their colorful props and costumes that was created with abel as they proudly say “Viva Vigan” also to a magnificent choreography of their performance that was inspired by the weaving process of abel iloko. We can really say that the celebration of festival is very fun, entertaining to watch, holds attention and gives pleasure and delight to the audience.

Nowadays, it is really difficult and critical to celebrate this year’s festival. Life of a festival goer now has seen a dramatic twist with COVID-19 as the diabolical nemesis. All the exciting festivals that one would look forward to in can no longer be experienced this year as public gatherings could only worsen the spread of the virus. However, even though we are in the midst of pandemic right now, the city government were still able to find ways to organize events of this festival by taking things online to guarantee Bigueños to settle and celebrate this special occasion and also to make sure their safety against the virus. 

During the one-week duration of the festival, even though performers and dancers cannot hear and feel the warm applause of audience, they still joyfully and cheerfully wave their "batbat and continued to gracefully perform following the health protocols like social distancing and wearing face shields. The other activities like the Abel House Decor Competition, Boklan Art Competition and Samiweng Chorale Competition were also been able to push through digitally using social media platforms.

The days are colder, the nights are longer and COVID-19 lockdown restrictions continue and although the good old days of celebrating the Binatbatan Festival of Festival were far better than today but still Bigueños made this a memorable one filled with joy, happiness and merriment though a drastic change has occurred. It is important that we hold onto the meaning of these year’s festival celebration all the more if we cannot mark it in the way we might have in the past. The festival signals the continuity of life. The celebration of it means the continuing flow of life’s challenges and triumphs. In simple words, accepting the reality of our situation without holding on to the hope that maybe things will return to ‘normal’ in time. Under and beyond the grandeur of the costumes and props seen in this festival shows the spirit of unity and resiliency.


Multimedia Reference:

Viva Vigan Binatbatan Festival of Arts Banner


Binatbatan Street Dancing Online


Boklan Art Competition Home Edition 2021


Binatbatan Festival Street Dancing



Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Power of Bigueñas Echoes Through Ages

Bigueñas As Great Influencers Aren’t Born, They Are Built To

A woman has a beautiful soul. However she appears in her youth, it is the soul that will show in her every feature as she ages. Bigueña women are characterized by patience, determination, nurturance, sensitivity, understanding, and endless love. And what better way to herald their successes than to look to female heroine, record-breakers, and feminist pioneers paving the way for their gender in their respective fields? It is no other than women empowerment. Empowering Bigueña women will allow them to promote their sense of self-worth, their ability to lead and serve for us in every field they want to and their rights to influence social change not just for themselves but also for others. 

Bigueñas already had the integrity  courage, and patriotism to embodies women empowerment that, at present, inspire the advocacy for the fair recognition of both women and men, and for gender equality in general. Going through the history of Vigan City, its first woman leader Eva Marie Singson-Medina became the architect of its progress. She is a distinguished woman who has devoted so much of her time, talent, resources and most especially her wisdom in making Vigan City to what it is now. She is a staunch advocate of women and children’s rights, patroness of heritage conservation, an innovator, a visionary, an honest and fair leader, worth emulating and appreciating. She was truly an exemplary and magnificent leader because she is not just a community builder, an advocate of women empowerment, a distinguished public servant with humility and compassion but she is also a model pillar of her family especially to her children. She is one of those who proves that being a leader is not only for men but also for a woman like her to serve and perform duties for people.

Consequently, aside from her we all know there were also a lot of Bigueñas public servants not only those who were in political but also those who were working and performing their duties and responsibilities in the field of medicine, education, policy, arts, culture, entertainment and other more. In our situation right now, in the midst of pandemic, we can see Bigueño and Bigueña health workers and front liners who are currently helping in the COVID- 19 situation. Although hospitals are very high risk for nosocomial infection and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, they choose to spend their time in hospitals rather than at their homes to do their duties and responsibilities in taking care the needs of others especially those who are sick to get well and feel better. Sacrificing their lives especially now, in times of pandemic even though they, themselves often lose their sense of self-care and wellness. At this point, Bigueña women also enter the job of being a police officer or a soldier that some will be wondering why since being in that position is very risky and it should be only for men. However, the need to recruit, train and promote more female officers is receiving far more attention than ever before. Bigueña police officers may not have the brute strength of Bigueño, but their bravery, creativity and verbal skills make them ideal for the job.

An empowered Bigueña is no more like a burden. She works relentlessly and often putting more hours than are there in just a single day: chopping, cleaning, cooking, nursing and still managing to look fresh all the time. She essays different roles, that of mother, wife, daughter, friend, counselor, all at once; juggling it all to perfection.  They had gain power and can control their own lives, the ability to determine her own choices, and her right to influence social change for herself and others. An empowered Bigueña were also able to voice out her opinions and contribute to greater peace in their home cities. They also urged to continue sharpening their skills and abilities which they can use to become more productive in their own families and their home cities. Not only in various fields do women help and contributes a lot but also they become the foundation of good fortune in appreciating, preserving and valuing life that God gave to us. The role of Bigueña women is so sacred because they are the custodians of the source of life and teach every generation the value of life, the value of ourselves. She helps her neighbor and other people with initiative and without asking for compensation. Willing to sacrifice her pleasure and material things in exchange for more important priorities, without hesitation. 

Bigueñas are worthy of being treated like Goddess or Queen and no less. They are truly queens who have strong moral compasses with values every single day in their daily lives. Queens who don’t care about ignorant opinions of others. Queens who are bold and fearless risk takers despite of all such horrible things happening to them, they still manage to handle the things that are thrown at them and face obstacles and challenges with perseverance and determination.  They don’t need a crown to be a queen. Their courage to fight for their beliefs and willingness to sacrifice their lives are what makes them royalty. Upliftment and empowerment of women is something we should be championing every day not just during Women's Month. So, I am hoping that the empowerment of Bigueña women will continue in the future because the power, wisdom and strength every Bigueña women holds is unique, unparalleled and no one can beat.

Multimedia Reference:

Beautiful soul of a woman, not just pretty face, but confident, brave, smart, kind quote


Ilocano Bigueña People


Empowering Women




Every Woman Deserves To Be Treated Like A Queen



Mirroring Cognitive Learnings This 3rd Quarter


It Is 4th Quarter Now: Let’s Get Ready For A Strong Finish

As the 3rd quarter ends, it is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Even though we are so close to the ending of this school year, it is still really tough and stressful because we are currently studying at a different phase, online or modular learning because of the pandemic. No matter how much I must be happy because after returning from a much-needed break, after passing three challenging periods, we will enter now the fourth marking period full steam ahead, I still can't help but feel sad and anxious but I need tell myself that on the other hand, I gave my best that’s why I reach this point.

In the most recent quarter of ICT, the type of learning has shifted. Through the 3rd quarter, we have learned about community-based research that we had never in the past yet it is quite similar on what we are learning in Research II. It just that the only difference between them is that there were only few parts in making a community-based research rather than what we are doing in Research II. We all know that every community may have differences and similarities, so learning and knowing about your particular community is extremely important.

At first, we were tasked to list things such as tourist spots, food and delicacies, culture and traditions, language and literature and other more. I was so frustrated. I was having a hard time in thinking what those things that I would list are. I know that even 16 years of my life I have lived here, I admit I don’t know that much about my community. Yes, they can call me ignorant, but I don't care at least I'm telling the truth. And then, eventually I became thankful for learning how to make my community-based project. Although I experience difficulties like lack of information since I can’t go out to visit the place I choose for my research project, I can say this helps me to become closer and engage more to my own community. This project helped improve my comparative skills and the ability to draw conclusions what are the interesting things about our community.

Putting it concisely, in the last two grading periods, I tend to procrastinate more. Negative thoughts were always in my mind that I can’t focus in answering modules and the required tasks to be answered. So throughout the 3rd Quarter, I did all think of the bright side that struggles and failures shouldn’t pushed me to quit but should serve as hope to continue and strive harder. I may experience struggles and hard challenges in every subject but I know that I can surpass all of those.

Considering how successful I was in the 3rd quarter I imagine that I do not need to change much in order to succeed in the fourth. I will just do my best to survive, to overcome all the obstacles and to accomplish all the tasks given to me. Manage my study space. I’ve come to realize the importance of NOT pushing myself beyond my limitations. Rather setting parameters for myself, NOT making myself go harder than the day before is what’s best for me. I hope my success in the 3rd quarter carries over into the 4th so I can finish the year off strong.

Multimedia Reference:

3rd Quarter Ends Image


Community- Based Research


Educational Technology Clipart  



4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly tha...