Saturday, May 29, 2021

The Power of Bigueñas Echoes Through Ages

Bigueñas As Great Influencers Aren’t Born, They Are Built To

A woman has a beautiful soul. However she appears in her youth, it is the soul that will show in her every feature as she ages. Bigueña women are characterized by patience, determination, nurturance, sensitivity, understanding, and endless love. And what better way to herald their successes than to look to female heroine, record-breakers, and feminist pioneers paving the way for their gender in their respective fields? It is no other than women empowerment. Empowering Bigueña women will allow them to promote their sense of self-worth, their ability to lead and serve for us in every field they want to and their rights to influence social change not just for themselves but also for others. 

Bigueñas already had the integrity  courage, and patriotism to embodies women empowerment that, at present, inspire the advocacy for the fair recognition of both women and men, and for gender equality in general. Going through the history of Vigan City, its first woman leader Eva Marie Singson-Medina became the architect of its progress. She is a distinguished woman who has devoted so much of her time, talent, resources and most especially her wisdom in making Vigan City to what it is now. She is a staunch advocate of women and children’s rights, patroness of heritage conservation, an innovator, a visionary, an honest and fair leader, worth emulating and appreciating. She was truly an exemplary and magnificent leader because she is not just a community builder, an advocate of women empowerment, a distinguished public servant with humility and compassion but she is also a model pillar of her family especially to her children. She is one of those who proves that being a leader is not only for men but also for a woman like her to serve and perform duties for people.

Consequently, aside from her we all know there were also a lot of Bigueñas public servants not only those who were in political but also those who were working and performing their duties and responsibilities in the field of medicine, education, policy, arts, culture, entertainment and other more. In our situation right now, in the midst of pandemic, we can see Bigueño and Bigueña health workers and front liners who are currently helping in the COVID- 19 situation. Although hospitals are very high risk for nosocomial infection and other communicable and non-communicable diseases, they choose to spend their time in hospitals rather than at their homes to do their duties and responsibilities in taking care the needs of others especially those who are sick to get well and feel better. Sacrificing their lives especially now, in times of pandemic even though they, themselves often lose their sense of self-care and wellness. At this point, Bigueña women also enter the job of being a police officer or a soldier that some will be wondering why since being in that position is very risky and it should be only for men. However, the need to recruit, train and promote more female officers is receiving far more attention than ever before. Bigueña police officers may not have the brute strength of Bigueño, but their bravery, creativity and verbal skills make them ideal for the job.

An empowered Bigueña is no more like a burden. She works relentlessly and often putting more hours than are there in just a single day: chopping, cleaning, cooking, nursing and still managing to look fresh all the time. She essays different roles, that of mother, wife, daughter, friend, counselor, all at once; juggling it all to perfection.  They had gain power and can control their own lives, the ability to determine her own choices, and her right to influence social change for herself and others. An empowered Bigueña were also able to voice out her opinions and contribute to greater peace in their home cities. They also urged to continue sharpening their skills and abilities which they can use to become more productive in their own families and their home cities. Not only in various fields do women help and contributes a lot but also they become the foundation of good fortune in appreciating, preserving and valuing life that God gave to us. The role of Bigueña women is so sacred because they are the custodians of the source of life and teach every generation the value of life, the value of ourselves. She helps her neighbor and other people with initiative and without asking for compensation. Willing to sacrifice her pleasure and material things in exchange for more important priorities, without hesitation. 

Bigueñas are worthy of being treated like Goddess or Queen and no less. They are truly queens who have strong moral compasses with values every single day in their daily lives. Queens who don’t care about ignorant opinions of others. Queens who are bold and fearless risk takers despite of all such horrible things happening to them, they still manage to handle the things that are thrown at them and face obstacles and challenges with perseverance and determination.  They don’t need a crown to be a queen. Their courage to fight for their beliefs and willingness to sacrifice their lives are what makes them royalty. Upliftment and empowerment of women is something we should be championing every day not just during Women's Month. So, I am hoping that the empowerment of Bigueña women will continue in the future because the power, wisdom and strength every Bigueña women holds is unique, unparalleled and no one can beat.

Multimedia Reference:

Beautiful soul of a woman, not just pretty face, but confident, brave, smart, kind quote

Ilocano Bigueña People

Empowering Women


Every Woman Deserves To Be Treated Like A Queen


Mirroring Cognitive Learnings This 3rd Quarter


It Is 4th Quarter Now: Let’s Get Ready For A Strong Finish

As the 3rd quarter ends, it is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Even though we are so close to the ending of this school year, it is still really tough and stressful because we are currently studying at a different phase, online or modular learning because of the pandemic. No matter how much I must be happy because after returning from a much-needed break, after passing three challenging periods, we will enter now the fourth marking period full steam ahead, I still can't help but feel sad and anxious but I need tell myself that on the other hand, I gave my best that’s why I reach this point.

In the most recent quarter of ICT, the type of learning has shifted. Through the 3rd quarter, we have learned about community-based research that we had never in the past yet it is quite similar on what we are learning in Research II. It just that the only difference between them is that there were only few parts in making a community-based research rather than what we are doing in Research II. We all know that every community may have differences and similarities, so learning and knowing about your particular community is extremely important.

At first, we were tasked to list things such as tourist spots, food and delicacies, culture and traditions, language and literature and other more. I was so frustrated. I was having a hard time in thinking what those things that I would list are. I know that even 16 years of my life I have lived here, I admit I don’t know that much about my community. Yes, they can call me ignorant, but I don't care at least I'm telling the truth. And then, eventually I became thankful for learning how to make my community-based project. Although I experience difficulties like lack of information since I can’t go out to visit the place I choose for my research project, I can say this helps me to become closer and engage more to my own community. This project helped improve my comparative skills and the ability to draw conclusions what are the interesting things about our community.

Putting it concisely, in the last two grading periods, I tend to procrastinate more. Negative thoughts were always in my mind that I can’t focus in answering modules and the required tasks to be answered. So throughout the 3rd Quarter, I did all think of the bright side that struggles and failures shouldn’t pushed me to quit but should serve as hope to continue and strive harder. I may experience struggles and hard challenges in every subject but I know that I can surpass all of those.

Considering how successful I was in the 3rd quarter I imagine that I do not need to change much in order to succeed in the fourth. I will just do my best to survive, to overcome all the obstacles and to accomplish all the tasks given to me. Manage my study space. I’ve come to realize the importance of NOT pushing myself beyond my limitations. Rather setting parameters for myself, NOT making myself go harder than the day before is what’s best for me. I hope my success in the 3rd quarter carries over into the 4th so I can finish the year off strong.

Multimedia Reference:

3rd Quarter Ends Image

Community- Based Research

Educational Technology Clipart                                         

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Potential Acceptance of Covid Vaccines

Stimulating an effective and safe covid- 19 vaccine

Covid-19 has brought the world to a grinding halt. The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 has turned into a global human tragedy and economic devastation. The pandemic has impacted almost every corner of life, causing global economies to stall, changing the way we work and interact with our loved ones, and stretching healthcare systems to the limit. It also has tested us like never before and now that we have developed covid-19 vaccines in record time to at least lower the risk of getting the virus, it is testing us again. While we are each doing our part of prevent the spread, and while frontline healthcare workers risk their lives to care for the sick, researchers are racing to find the one thing that will protect all of us in the long run a vaccine.

Vaccines reduce risks of getting diseases by working with our body’s natural defenses to build protection. When we get a vaccine, our immune system responds, it produces antibodies, proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight disease. Medical scientists are doing their best to make and reproduce these vaccines to be distributed around the world. This vaccine will inject to human and probably will have a lesser risk to get infected by the Covid-19 Virus. The availability of these vaccines had become a race against time in the middle of devastation and deaths that as of today no medicinal drug has the power to fight the infectious virus and that leave us with only one option namely an effective and safe covid-19 vaccines. Yet, these covid- 19 vaccines whether they are safe and effective or not is still a mystery query to the public.

Fortunately, the beginning of 2021 saw numerous vaccines given emergency approval and begin their roll out in countries across the world. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in clinical trials and have been approved because there are studies that show these vaccine significantly reduces the probability of contracting the virus and are safe to be use. But we can’t deny that there would still be adverse side effects from these vaccines once they are injected to people like what we are seeing on social media platforms that’s why we can’t blame other people to refuse from getting vaccinated against the virus.

Covid vaccination is not mandatory but the government is highly encouraging the 
public to get vaccinated and be protected. It is vital that we should be aware and evaluate as many vaccines because we cannot predict how will they turn out to be viable and at the same time, it is difficult for us to allocate these vaccines once they are proven safe and
effective. Developing stronger immunity through vaccination means there is a reduced risk of developing the virus and its consequences but clearly the challenge today at the moment is to raise people level of trust on the different manufactured covid vaccines which experts also agree. 

Even though we already developed vaccines in record time and get vaccinated through these, still prevention is better than cure. We still need to follow those precautionary step and health protocols implemented by the government like wearing facemask and face shield, maintain social distancing, no mass gathering and other more to combat the said virus. I am really hoping one day this covid 19 pandemic will end now so we can go back to our normal lives again without worries and fear. Stay safe everyone!

Multimedia Reference:

Coronavirus Image

Covid- 19 Vaccines


Monday, May 3, 2021

The Day of Valor

Marking the Greatness and Heroism of our Filipino Fighters

Courageous, dauntless, perhaps a little bit daring that all of us live at many crossroads, fear and valor being one, and when we chose valor we build ourselves all the stronger, rendering the choice all the easier each time we do. This is how we build ourselves into the brave, into those whose legends are told and retold. A hero who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. A nation at work, a community of support. Always remember and never forget.

The Araw ng Kagitíngan, also known as “Day of Valour” and “Bataan Day,” is a national day to commemorate the fall of Bataan during World War II. Held on the ninth of April, it is one of the national festivals or holidays of the Philippines which marks the greatness of Filipino fighters during World War II. The Day of Valor honors the sacrifice and bravery of those soldiers who died, as well as the valiant defense of Bataan, which was crucial to the war effort and eventual victory of the Allied Forces.

The siege of Bataan was the first major land battle for the Americans in World War II and one of the most-devastating military defeats in American history. The Bataan Death March was the culmination of a long battle against an invading force, and was a bloody indicator of the brutality of the Imperial Japanese Forces that occupied the Philippines. The captured American and Filipino soldiers were in bad health, after fighting a protracted battle with little food and water. They faced enormous challenges, endured hunger and thirst. They marched about hundred kilometers after the fall of Bataan. We all can see now how much they suffer almost from death but they use their aggression for noble purpose; they ensures that the brave and empathic version takes them to victory.

With this year’s theme “Kagitingan ay Gawing Gabay, Pandemya ay Mapagtatagumpayan”, this week-long observance of the Day of Valor was really a grateful and meaningful time to acknowledge and promote the deeds of Filipino War veterans not only those who sacrificed their lives and also for those who rendered honorable military service in defending our country to its limits but it also serves as a reminder that through sheer and determination, our Filipino veterans who were overcoming our ongoing battle against COVID- 19. Despite all the challenges, sufferings, pain and trials of defeat, our captured soldiers stood brave and strong in defending and protecting our country from the confined freedom. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciate is not to utter words but to live by them. May this year’s national observance be meaningful and solemn. Long live our veterans! Love live the bravery of Filipinos!

Multimedia Reference:

Araw ng Kagitingan

The Fall of Bataan



4th Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

My Puzzle Life of Being a Grade 10 Student had come to an End I sat down and looked around, watching how time really passes by quickly tha...